Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Farewell to Broke Girl!

While I have truly enjoyed the Broke Girl concept; after some constructive feedback over the last few weeks, I have decided to retire the blog and re-brand on another site.

I am pleased to announce my newest venture: Born in Heels: A Fashion Blog. The new blog will allow me to broaden my "fashion horizons", as opposed to being pigeon-holed as a discount diva! Don't worry, the new blog will still have many of your old favorites, including the monthly $100 outfit challenge, plus so much more!

Please follow me on the new site: www.borninheelsblog.wordpress.com

Thank you so much for your continued support :)

All my love,


Thursday, October 9, 2014

KC Fashion Week Recap- Part 2: The Runway

Did you really think I'd leave you hanging on the best part of Fashion Week?! 

Here are my favorite pieces from the two runway shows I attended.

Saturday's afternoon show:
Top left: WM Couture; top right and bottom left: Lauren Bander; bottom right: Afielda
Lauren Bander, a young designer from St. Louis, was my favorite of the day. Her collection was slightly gothic, yet soft. I loved that she used many different textiles, but everything was still cohesive.

Sunday's afternoon show:
Top left and right: Quite-A-Riot by Adrienne Anderson; bottom left: Magnetic Threads; bottom right: Meredith Lockhart

I had a really hard time choosing my favorites from Sunday. All the designers did a fabulous job, there was something I loved from every collection! I did; however, have a clear favorite: Quite-A-Riot by Adrienne Anderson from Lincoln, NE. Her collection was everything I love: structure, clean lines, feminine, with just a touch of drama and sparkle!

I had an amazing time at KC Fashion Week! I can not wait for the Fall shows!