So, my recent absence is due to ACL reconstruction surgery on my right knee.
I injured it back in December, and proceeded to ignore it for the last 2 months. Well, after injuring it AGAIN doing the same thing, I figured it was time to have it looked at. After an MRI, my worse fear was realized; "a complete tear of my ACL, cease ALL physical activity until you consult with the surgeon". Awesome. Exactly what I was trying to avoid.
I wish I had a super cool story to go along with this injury; but the truth is, I hyper-extended it during my favorite class at the gym, Turbo Kick. I told someone I was going to start making up how I hurt it because the real story is pretty lame...
It's ironic, I lose all this weight to avoid knee surgery, and end up having to undergo it anyway because of my work out!! I can't win for losing...
Surgery was February 19th and I spent the last two weeks recovering. Poor Mr. B had to do EVERYTHING for me. Get me water, help me walk, wash my hair, you name it! I could barely use the bathroom by myself. He was amazing, truly amazing.
The recovery hasn't been too bad. Not much pain at all. I have to say the worst part is the swelling; check out my "cankle"!!!
The best part? Getting to use the super sweet motorized carts at the stores!